The volume is shaped as a vitreous and prismatic solid, wrapped in a multi-layer skin. It sits on a slightly elevated stone pedestal just like a podium: thus, the building´ s position is improved with respect to the bridge placed in front of it, allowing the structure to glance at the consolidated city in turn. A solid and stable platform is designed on this foundation; a platform with a marked urban aspect, as well as accesses, stairs and ramps sculpted on it, and contrasting with the lightness of the prism that bears it.
The building changes appearance according to the time of day and the impact of light on both glassy filters. The north façade is not exteriorly enveloped, a fact that allows personalizing its treatment. In the remainder perimeter, each skin has one or more functions controlling light, water, temperature and acoustics in turn. We could say that the building has a third skin made up of roller blinds as textile elements balancing the perfect housing conditions inside it. Both outer skins are separated by a maintenance walkway serving as verge roof of the immediately below floor.
The plan is grouped around a central core integrating the stair, lifts, facilities, each floor´ s lobbies and toilets. The said symmetrical central core concerns the east-west axis and makes possible to divide the prism in two which ensures the division into half-plans with the free outer perimeter of the building and, therefore, use possibilities increase. For this reason, we designed two opposed accesses on north and south façades respectively and the available space of the ground floor between both accesses is used for common services to all offices. In order to build a perimeter terrace, the top floor façade is setback three meters. Moreover, the terrace is protected by a two-storey steel structure performing a canopy that crowns and surrounds the building as it was an air prism.